The number 1107 in white appears on recto. The photograph is titled "The cemetry of the Guebres" in French on verso, in what may be the hand of Antoin Sevruguin.
This image is reproduced on page 740 in the book "Persia past and Present" which was published in 1906 by the Macmillan Company. The image is titled "The Zaroastrian Tower of Silence at Rei".
The image is reproduced on page 249 of Volume III of “Du Khorassan au pays des Backhtiaris: trois mois de voyage en Perse” by Henry-Rene D’Allemagne published in 1911 by Hachette, Paris, France. The image is titled "La tour du silence aux environs de Teheran a l'interieur, le champ de repos".