The route from Shiraz to Bushehr (Tangistani Guard at the passes), Late 19th Century or early 20th Century
Albumen print
160 mm x 225 mm
The number '219' in white ink appears on recto. The photograph is titled 'The route to Chiraz' in French on verso in what may be the hand of Antoin Sevruguin.
The number "219" in white ink appears on recto. The photograph is titled "The route to Chiraz" in French on verso in what may be the hand of Antoin Sevruguin.
Tittled "Tangistani. Guard of the passes" on a halftone print in a 1926 catalogue.
A 165 mm x 225 mm gelatin silver print of this image is located in the Pitt Rivers Museum of the University of Oxford. The print has a reference number of 2008.7.8. The number "219" has been scratched out on recto and another number which cannot be determined appears in white ink on recto. The print has been described as "A man holding a rifle standing in front of a rocky outcrop, on the road from Shiraz to Bushehr".