Not known

We have been unable to attribute 46 of the albumen prints and glass lantern slides in the collection to an artist. Please contact us if you believe that you can associate an unattributed image with a particular photographer. 


In the case of the glass lantern slides produced by Newton & Co., the series titled "The Persians, Kurds and Nestorians, Their Manners and Customs" was derived from unattributed original negatives, whilst the series titled "Persia", whilst attributed to Reverend C. H, Stileman, contains images that were produced by other photographers, such as Antoin Sevrugiun.


In the cases where we have made attributions, if you believe that an error has occurred, we would also be grateful to be informed of this, so that we can correct the attribution in question.


Your assistance will help us to improve the quality of the website for all users and ultimately, support our goal of raising awareness of a golden era in the history of the global development of photography.


Please use the following email address for all enquries.