Dmitri Ivanovich Ermakov
Haji Mirza Abdollah Khan Ala' Ol-Molk, Master of Ceremony of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar, Late 19th Century
Albumen print
100 mm x 135 mm
Negative number 5394 on page 197 of the 1896 catalogue. The individual is described as a 'Master of Ceremony'.
Negative number 5394 on page 197 of the 1896 catalogue. The individual is described as a "Master of Ceremony".
A print of this image is in the collection of the National Museum of Georgia. A portrait of what appears to be the same individual is located on page 133 of "Dimitri Ermakov in Iran" published by the Museum of Georgia and is titled: "Prince Ali Reza Khan Qajar Azod al-Molk, regent of the last Qajar ruler, Ahmad Shah".