Antoin Sevruguin
Beggars waiting for the Shah, Late 19th Century
Albumen print
230 mm x 175 mm
An albumen print laid on paper with the title: 'Tehran - Priere et distribution d'argent aux pauvres - champ de manoeuvres'. The number '1332' appears on recto in white ink.
An albumen print laid on paper with the title: "Tehran - Priere et distribution d'argent aux pauvres - champ de manoeuvres". The number "1332" appears on recto in white ink.
The image is reproduced on page 24 of Volume II of “Du Khorassan au pays des Backhtiaris: trois mois de voyage en Perse” by Henry-Rene D’Allemagne published in 1911 by Hachette, Paris, France. The image is titled "Groupe de mendiantes attendant le passage du Shah sur le champ de mars a Teheran".